Thursday, April 15, 2010

Holy Cow! It has been 7 months!!

Ok so sice it has been 7 months without blogging I have a lot to catch up with you all!! We have been soo busy and have also been through a lot! I finally quit that stupid job of mine which was a HUGE COP OUT!!!! Well I thought i was smart for quitting it but then I turned stupid again and started ANOTHER stupid job. Oh well soon I will be done working and will be able to spend all of my time with my Addison. Speaking of Addison, she is getting huge and talking like she is 3! Her 2nd birthday is ocming up on the 27th and it is going to be soooo big! I feel like I don't spend time with her so we are definately making it up to her.. Here are some pictures of what we have been doing and how big Adds is getting.

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